Psychological Services 心理服務


Assessment services include evaluation on cognitive abilities, intelligence, reading and writing (Dyslexia), attention, emotion, behavior, social communication, injury on duty and forensic-related issues. Clinical interview, observation and standardised assessment tools would be included.

以面談、觀察及標準化評估工具測試來了解當事人的認知和心理功能。評估範疇包括腦功能、 智能、讀寫、專注力、情緒、行為、社交溝通、工傷、創傷心理障礙和法醫心理評估等。

    • Intellectual Assessment (Giftedness and Intellectual Disability) (2 years and above)

    • Dyslexia (4 years 3 months to 15 years 6 months) 

    • Autistic Spectrum Disorder (1 year and above)

    • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (5 years and above)

    • Comprehensive Assessment Scales for Pre-School Children (3 years 4 months to 6 years 3 months)

      • Cognition

      • Language

      • Social Cognition

      • Visual Perception

      • Fine Motor

      • Gross Motor

      • Early Literacy & Numeracy

    • Mental health

    • Intellectual Assessment (Giftedness and Intellectual Disability)

    • Attentive-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder 

    • Personality 

    • Prepare / Enrich marital relationship assessment

    • Mental Health

    • Neuropsychological functioning (e.g. attention, memory, brain trauma, stroke, Parkinson disease, etc.)

    • Pre- and post- brain surgery

    • Dementia 

    • Diagnosis

    • Goal setting and initial therapy

    • Referral (if indicated)

    • Formal assessment and court report which provide expert opinion for court cases, for both civil and criminal cases. 

    • 智能, 包括資優和智力障礙 (2歲起)

    • 讀寫困難/ 障礙 (Dyslexia) (4歲3個月至15歲6個月)

    • 自閉症譜系障礙 (ASD) (1歲起)

    • 專注力失調 / 過度活躍症 (ADHD) (5歲起)

    • 學前兒童綜合發展評估 (3歲4個月至6歲3個月)

      • 認知 (Cognition)

      • 語言 (Language)

      • 社交認知 (Social Cognition)

      • 視覺感知 (Visual Perception)

      • 小肌肉 (Fine Motor)

      • 大肌肉 (Gross Motor)

      • 早期認讀及識數 (Early Literacy & Numeracy)

    • 精神/心理健康

    • 智能, 包括資優和智力障礙

    • 專注力失調 / 過度活躍症 (ADHD)

    • 性格

    • Prepare / Enrich 婚前婚後評估

    • 精神/心理健康

    • 腦功能 (如: 注意力不足、記憶問題、腦創傷、中風、柏金遜症等)

    • 腦科手術前後

    • 認知障礙症 (如:阿爾茨海默氏認知障礙症、額顳葉型認知障礙症、血管性認知障礙症等)

    • 診斷

    • 與當事人共同訂立治療計劃及初步治療

    • 轉介(如需要)

    • 為當事人向法庭提供臨床心理方面的專家意見,範圍包括法律事件,刑事及民事訴訟