Dr. Carole Li


Clinical Psychologist 臨床心理學家

Languages: English, Cantonese, Mandarin
語言:英語, 廣東話, 普通話

Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology), The University of Hong Kong
Master of Social Sciences (Clinical Psychology, Distinction), The University of Hong Kong
Bachelor of Social Sciences (First Class Honours), The University of Hong Kong
Clinical Psychologist in Accredited Register, Department of Health
Registered Clinical Psychologist, Hong Kong Psychological Society
Associate Fellow, Hong Kong Psychological Society
Registered Yoga Teacher, Yoga Alliance

香港大學 臨床心理學博士 
香港大學 臨床心理學碩士 (優異)
香港大學社會科學學士  (一級榮譽)
香港心理學會 註冊臨床心理學家
香港心理學會 副院士
美國Yoga Alliance註冊瑜伽導師

E-mail 電郵: dr.cli@hearthclinic.com

Dr. Carole Li has 20 years of clinical experience in psychological assessment and treatment of adult mental health, as well as child and adolescent psychological challenges. She is skilled in applying psychological theories in counselling and personal growth aspects.  Additionally, Dr. Li is a specialist in treating depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, pain management, insomnia, stress-induced psychosomatic disorders, and parenting difficulties. 

Besides Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dr. Li is experienced in Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, and Biofeedback. She is also a registered yoga teacher and has a deep understanding in Mind-Body therapies. Furthermore, Dr. Li held the position of Senior Lecturer of the Clinical Psychology Training Programme at the University of Hong Kong. 

Before her private practice, Dr. Li served as a Clinical Psychologist for more than 10 years at various hospitals such as the United Christian Hospital, Tseung Kwan O Hospital, the Haven of Hope Hospital, the Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin Hospital and Oasis — Centre for Crisis Intervention and Personal Growth under the Hospital Authority Head Office.

Dr. Carole Li


李博士累積二十年心理評估及治療經驗,對於兒童,青少年和成人心理評估及治療都具豐富經驗 。李博士擅長將複雜的心理學理論應用到心理治療和個人成長上,對治療抑鬱症,各種焦慮症,創傷後壓力障礙,痛症管理,失眠,因壓力引起的身心症狀和親子教養等尤有心得。

除了認知行為治療外,李博士更是靜觀(Mindfulness),正向心理學及以生物反饋 (Biofeedback) 訓練的專家。李博士同時是一位瑜伽教練,對整合身心療法有深入的研究。此外,李博士是現任香港大學高級講師,專責訓練臨床心理學研究生。


Selected Publications

  1. Wong, S Y S; Sun, Y Y; Chan, A T Y; Leung, M K W; Chao, D V K; LI C C K, et al. (2018). Treating Subthreshold Depression in Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Behavioral Activation With Mindfulness. Ann Fam Med 2018;16: 111-119.

  2. Tong, A; Lee, R; Li, C (2017). Who Stole My Happiness: Handbook for Coping with Negative Emotion (誰偷走了我的快樂—應對負面情緒自助手冊). Hong Kong Breakthrough Ltd. 

  3. Wong, S Y S; Zhang, D X; LI C C K, et al. (2017). Comparing the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Sleep Psycho-Education with Exercise on Chronic Insomnia: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Psychother Psychosom 2017; 86: 241–253

  4. “CBT and Mind-Body Intervention for Insomnia in Breast Cancer Survivors” at the 8th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy on 25 Jun 2014

  5. “Insomnia among Breast Cancer Survivors in Hong Kong” at  the 10th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society on 8 June 2014

  6. “Eight Hour Mind-Body Training Enhance Sleep and Mental Health of HA staff” at the Hospital Authority Convention in 2012.

  7. “Mindfulness-Relaxation Response Elicited” at the Hospital Authority Convention in 2010.

  8. Tong, A; Ho, S; Li, C; Lee, R (2004). Pursuit Your Happiness: a practical guide to manage emotions (回到開心時—情緒管理DIY), Hong Kong: Breakthrough Ltd